Cha de Areia, Praia, Cape Verde
261.7552 Praia, 281.2210 Fogo, 508.297.3670 US

sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2011

Fogo Festival

CVFF sponsors horse race
Cabo Verde Fast Ferry sponsored a horse for the Fogo Festival horse race. We are very proud of our jockey and his horse. They ran a fine race. Despite not winning, they put in a great race on behalf of Cabo Verde Fast Ferry. Thank you for proudly representing CVFF.

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

May Employee of the Month

Manuel Barreto- April Employee of the Month
Cabo Verde Fast Ferry would like to congradulate Manuel Barreto for being voted CVFF April Employee of the Month. Manuel goes over and above the call of duty at Cabo Verde Fast Ferry. CVFF would like to thank Manuel for being a part of our team and all the hard work, it is much appreciated. Congradulations!

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

Praia Bar Crawl is a hit!

Bar Crawlers enjoying a fresh drink on the crawl.
 The first annual Praia bar crawl was a complete success. Twenty people joined each other on a beautiful day in Praia to visit six bars to promote Cabo Verde Fast Ferry. A bar crawl is a new concept to the people of Cape Verde. This is how it works... You go to a specified number of bars and have a drink at each bar. In order to get to the next bar you have to walk. The group definately enjoyed themselves and the adventure. CVFF is looking forward to having a many more to come.